YATS Registration Fee Payment

Ticketor for your store, giftshop, bar, restaurant, concessions and for selling merchandise or services


THE JUNIOR & YOUNG SR GROUPS ARE FULL!  Please email yats@slidelllittletheatre.org to get on the WAITLIST!



*If you want to take advantage of the discount member pricing, you must either already have a membership from the 24-25 season, or you can purchase a membership for the 25-26 Season (now at FLASH SALE PRICES!)

*YAT, STUDENT, and SENIOR Season Passes do not receive the discounted price.  You must be an ADULT or PATRON LEVEL MEMBER.*


If you don't yet have a membership, and you want to be eligible for the discount member pricing, purchase the membership FIRST at this link and then come back to this page to register your child for YATS and select the discounted membership price. Otherwise, please add the non-member card to your cart. 



Registration for YATS is a two-step process. 


1) Click on the SHOP button next to the session you want to purchase and add the session to your cart. If you select membership pricing, your membership will be confirmed prior to registration. You can add multiple sessions and pay for all your YATs at once. 


2) After you check out and submit your payment, you will receive a confirmation email. In the confirmation email there will be a link to a registration form. Your registration is not complete until this form is submitted. You will need to submit a form for each child you are registering.